
We offer three different tiers. The most popular one is our self-managed option: for a flat one time fee we install JupyterHub for you on a server you rent or own. For more demanding courses we offer hosted solutions. Finally, our enterprise solution is a good fit for those who want to scale JupyterHub based courses to their whole organisation.

Self-Managed Hosted Enterprise
Target audience Individual teachers Department heads Whole universities
Hosting your own server public cloud your own servers/public cloud
Support Next business day email Negotiable
Updates Negotiable
Classes 1 1 Customisable
Class sizes up to 30 20 to 100 multiple classes
Price $150 (one time) from $250/month Negotiable
Start free trial Start free trial Contact Tim

How to choose

For most classes with up to 30 students the self-managed option provides the best value. For larger classes or those with higher computational needs (like GIS, computer vision or deep-learning) the hosted option balances complexity, reliability and hosting costs. For multi-class or institutional setups contact us to discuss the enterprise option. If you are unsure which option is best talk to Tim directly for advice.


Please note that for the "self-managed" option you will have to pay for the hosting. As part of our self-managed offer we can advise you on an appropriately sized machine and recommend you a cloud hoster if you do not already have one.

For our hosted option we currently work with Google Cloud and Digital Ocean. They are well known and reputable partners with data centers in the EU and USA.

Place order

Order your JupyterHub now. Once you place your order we will confirm it by email and setup payment.

We'll never share your email with anyone else.

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